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An award-winning boutique consultancy specializing in communications

This program is designed for fitness professionals, personal trainers, fitness instructors, physios, and managers who want to learn behavior change strategies to improve client compliance and results.


In this two-day training, you'll learn the latest science-based strategies to help your clients achieve their goals and maintain their results.

Achieve Results

You'll learn techniques such as motivational interviewing, goal setting, and habit formation to help your clients overcome obstacles and stay on track.


We believe in interactive and experiential trainings, and layer learning styles to combine visual, auditory and kinesthetic aspects fit with how you learn best.


have the opportunity to practice these techniques in a hands-on, interactive environment with other professionals.

"We sacrifice our health in order to make wealth,
then we sacrifice our wealth in order to get back our health.”

~ Dalai Lama

Human Performance Coaching

Training structure

2 days, 9am-6pm with 1-hour lunch break


Day 1 -theories of neuroscience, behavior & language

  • Empowerment themes to create change – powerful themes to enhance coaching
  • Neuroscience of reality and experience – how clients interpret life
  • How our minds affect physiology and behavior
  • Neuroscience of behavior -why and how we do positive vs negative things
  • Recognizing patterns -words, actions, voice, problems
  • The structure of thinking -how to resolve conflict, how to address overwhelm
  • Language strategies -expansive vs constricting, new ideas vs deductive actions


Day 2 – structure of coaching and hands-on practice w/ feedback

    • Using questions to facilitate change
    • Guiding clients to self-identify their problems and develop solutions
    • Creating tasks/action plans to get clients shifting (5 key types)
    • Creating the structure for powerful coaching conversations.

Day 1 Recap

Day 2 Recap

While 83% of organizations believe it’s important to develop leaders at every level of the company, only 5% of businesses have implemented leadership development at all levels.

~ Forbes

With an understanding of individual values and a willingness to adapt and change, leaders can accelerate the growth and development of their teams, ultimately positioning themselves as impactful drivers of organizational success.

We deliver training in these areas and more:

  • Fit for Purpose
  • High-Performance Habits
  • Grit and Resilience
  • Mental Toughness Toolbox
  • Optimal Performance Training

If you're ready to prepare your leaders for the next level book a call today and let's get started!

Success is turning vision into reality

Contact us today to unlock the true potential of your leadership team. 
Accelerate Change - Shaping Leaders, Executives, and Teams for a Successful Tomorrow.
