about us

We're passionate about performance

Ben Patwa


Ben is the CEO of Accelerate Change and senior consultant and coach to entrepreneurs, TEDx speakers, and large organizations across 36 countries. He specializes in communication, messaging, and sales strategies utilizing principles backed by neuroscience and behavioral psychology. Ben is an accomplished Master Trainer of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and Neuropsychology. Some of the organizations he has helped include Sony, Uber, Facebook, Bank of America, Draper University and The Premier League.

Greg Sellar


Greg has spent the last 28 years helping over half a million individuals in 55 countries develop their skills and broaden their thinking. Greg has spoken on a variety of stages and is the audience experience strategist for TEDxGrandPark. Across retail, media and fitness, he uses both his background as a Nike-sponsored athlete and degree in Exercise Science to perfectly complement his Masters in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and Diploma in Coaching, Leadership & Mentoring to develop peak performance in leaders and teams.

Dan Cohen


Dan has spent over two decades creating and delivering training & education across 80 countries to millions every week. As a Speaker and Coach, Dan combines his experience as Director of Product and Programming within a global education brand. As a Master Integrated Breakthrough Coach he provides key support to executives across a wide range of industries. Dan features on one of the most successful apps on the Oculus VR platform.

Christopher Rainger


As Global Sales Director, Christopher brings 12 years of experience from sales and recruitment with global training & development brands to cutting-edge research in the neuroscience of performance. He is a certified Executive Coach and holds a Bachelors in Sports Science & Psychology, and is passionate about discovering the root issues within our clients’ businesses and building effective solutions for organizational change management.

Suzanne Patwa


As the Director of Customer Experience, Suzanne is dedicated to shifting the paradigm in the future of business. With over 25 years in high-end health consulting, and as a certified Master Coach, Suzanne is an expert in delivering exceptional customer experiences. From well-known celebrities to foreign dignitaries and even royalty, Suzanne continually exceeds expectations for some of the most tough-to-please clients.
